19 April, 2024


3280 sq. ft.
Duddell Street, Central

Brilliant Design & Build Ltd Embraces ESG for a Greener Tomorrow

I am delighted to provide service to our client and assist them in opening their first office in Sheung Wan, Hong Kong since 2021. The second time, client has chosen an excellent location at Ice Street in Central.

Apeiron International (HK) Ltd started with two of our distinct services: the Pre-Rental Analysis and the Property Defect Checking. Our *Pre-Rental Analysis* service provided them with spatial planning across different properties, initially assessing the feasibility of the distribution of elements such as air conditioning, fire services, water, and electricity. After selecting the most suitable property and finalizing the lease details, the free rental period dates were confirmed. Upon unit possession, we submitted a comprehensive Property Inspection Report on behalf of our client to the landlord, safeguarding our client's rights when the unit is returned in the future.

In both design and application, user practicality is our guiding principle. We thoroughly understand our clients' operational processes, brand requirements, and the dynamics between users, visitors, and space. Our designs are blueprinted with an ESG focus, incorporating more natural light, air circulation, safe passageways, and thoughtful material selection. These considerations ensure that investments are optimized, creating a win-win scenario that aligns with ESG directions.

Brilliant Design & Build Ltd is dedicated to not only meeting but surpassing the expectations of our clients in the ESG domain, ensuring that every project we undertake contributes positively to the sustainable development of our community.

The Process

主要氛圍: 由於單位為鋼結構 故我採用左工業風 木、黑鐵、紅磚牆為主要元搙 另外 為免像其他太醫療診所給客人感覺「又睇醫生呀」上得黎都係黎做痛症 我希望環境上讓顧客無咁緊張 有足夠既空間感讓佢地走好個流程:先坐下放好鞋 佢地出黎迎接客戶傾住計入 然後 係床上做檢查 和 暫時既舒緩 最後 就係強化痛處 既筋鍵 再去做運再返去接待處收錢 預約